- W Boga - wierze. Natomiast nie bardzo wierzę w to, co ludzie mówią o Bogu.

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Your beliefs form reality, your individual beliefs and your join beliefs.
And if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well and will treat you kindly, they will
and if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And if you believe,
And if you believe that you are poor and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you.
Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot
escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.
The very joy of your being speaks of your positive beliefs.
I want you to see where your beliefs conflict with each other. I want you to examine, for the first time in
this life, your conscious mind and its contents.
Now, we have heard much talk here of the dark depths of the unconscious and the deep powers that
reside within us, and little about the miracle of our conscious mind and what might be there. It would
almost seem that you were all very anxious to think that all the answers were beneath consciousness
where it was difficult for you to find them. So, we are changing the game a bit
You all pride yourselves on being conscious creatures. Then I am telling you to be aware of the
contents of your conscious mind—a simple enough request. You are only now beginning to know how
loaded it is! Il is all available. The beliefs are not buried unless you believe that they are. The thoughts
and feelings and emotions that guide you are not lost in a dark closet of your mind, but quite there if
you are willing simply to look. It is all available, and in its own way it is all creative and it is all
constructive and it is all there for you to see and use and recognize. Now I have said this in my book,
but I have only begun to say it!
The hobble-goblins are not down deep in Ihe unconscious. You do not have to play hide and seek with
psychologists to find them. They are not buried in your past in this life or in any other life. You are not
bound by promises given. You are not bound by false beliefs. You are free conscious beings. And so.
hopefully, you will learn how to be joyful conscious beings. And when you are, then you will not be
afraid of the inner self, and you will freely let in data from the outside world and the inside world, being
quite seeure in your position.
When you go to bed at night listen to your thoughts. They are conscious. You can become aware of
what you are thinking. Many of the answers are, therefore, in your conscious mind. You have simply
become used to accepting one thin line of conscious thought and ignoring all the other, or assigning
the other to other causes. The goodies are there and they are yours.
It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not
at the mercy of events over which you have no control, whether those events are psychological events
or physical ones in your terms. As I have told you, there is little difference if you believe that your
present life is caused by incidents in your early infancy or caused by past lives over which equally you
feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present
beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.
The self tries to solve a particular problem. In so doing, it may end up with a physical difficulty. The
physical difficulty is meant to remind the personality of the inner problem behind it. The difficulty will be
cleared up when the inner problem is.
Now, if, instead, a drug is used to camouflage the ailment, or in your terms, to heal it, to cure it, to get
rid of it, the inner self is in a quandary, for it knows the problem has not been solved though the
symptom has disappeared. The drug used to cure the body may now, may, in many instances,
obscure the problem, and confuse both the body and the mind. Another ailment must be taken,
therefore, that will symbolically, and quite practically, materialize the problem in your reality. So the
patient will get another ailment.
If this ailment is also obscured, or cured, through the drug, whatever it may be, then the inner self is in
a further quandary, and it will continue to try to materialize the problem so that it can be solved. The
communication between the mental, psychic, and physical portions of the being can, in such
instances, become obscured.
Now, that does not always apply: for someone with a severe difficulty, believing in the effectiveness of
your doctors, may be given a wonder drug, and believe in it so, that when the symptoms are
completely annihilated, he is convinced of the fact of an inner health, and therefore feels seeure
enough to solve his inner problem. In such a case, however, he has effectively used the drug to heal
his mind and his body. The drug has not done it.
This does not mean that you cannot take advantage of such drugs. It does mean that when you do,
you are operating within a framework of reality that still, to some extent, divides you from the reality of
your own being.
All you good Sumari, who are getting Sumari-er, Ruburt is going to read you part of my book, and I
want you to take it to heart. For you are the first to hear it and, hopefully, you are the first to use it. You
are not just to listen to it, therefore. You are to make it your own, through examining your own beliefs
and your own conscious mind.
Now, the Sumari like to play. So they like to play with the contents of their minds, as this one over here
does! So, I want you to think of your ideas as children's blocks that you have in your mind, so that, as
Ruburt says, you can indeed mix and match them. And they are not heavy unless you believe that
they are! They are rightfully your playthings—then play with them!
Do not sit solemnly before a belief and say "Aha, this is my great belief, and it blocks my view!" But, as
a child, kick it aside and make a new one. The ideas are your blocks. You can use them, therefore,
playfully, to build with, or if you will forgive me for using a pun, you can use them as objects that block
your view.
And children deal quite joyfully with blocks. And if they erect structures that do not please them, then
without an instant remorse, they knock them aside, and make a new one. So if you have a pretty
structure, save it. But if you have one that displeases you, then knock it aside. The playground is
yours. It is a war-ground if you make it into one. It is a playground of creativity and joy if you realize
that it is.
There are some who peek in at your windows to see what you are up to with your blocks. There are
some (now you see what I have to put up with—with Ruburt's new hair style!) there are some who
watch. But, watching, those observers do not see a block and say, "What a dirty old belief that is!"
Those watching do not feel that they must come in and kick aside your blocks for you. They only make
sure that you have an infinite number of things to work with at your disposal. They only know that you
form your own reality with the blocks that you have, and they do not judge. So that if such an observer
peeks through the mortal window and sees a poor design, he does not say, "What a faulty picture!" He
simply waits for you to kick the design apart and make a new one on your own. But the design as it
was, was a design, and itself, and a way of learning.
Now, there may be moments while you are juggling beliefs, when you realize that one structure does
not satisfy you, and you have not as yet learned to construct a new one. And so you may go about
your day in your own way thinking, "Oh, woe is me. Where can I look? These frightful beliefs imprison
me, and there is no where to go!"
But the new design, with the new blocks, are quite there, and quite available. And if you were playful
enough about it, you would be quite aware, and there is no need to wait for new beliefs—unless you
believe that you must wait for new beliefs. And there is no struggle, unless you believe that you must
struggle. And it is not hard unless you believe that it must be difficult. And the dream symbolism exists,
unless you believe it is so difficult to find (hat you cannot perceive it. And the answers are in your
conscious mind, unless you believe (hat they must be hidden.
And, so, if you play hide and seek in your playground, it is a great game! But you can stop playing hide
and seek with yourselves whenever you choose. You may enjoy the game—but when you are finished
with hide and seek, then you will find, and the finding is within yourself.
Play with the traffic lights. Play within the context of being a teacher, and you do do that with your
students. There is nothing that says that teaching must be a drag—unless you believe that it must! It
can be a playful endeavor, and, as you well know, when you are really teaching, it is a playful
[The student responded to Seth-"With everyone, how about these few students..." gesturing to indicate
the problem student. Seth returned:]
That can also be a playful encounter when you change your idea of their reality. They react not only to
their own ideas of their reality, but to your ideas also: telepathically in a feedup. They pick up what you
are feeding them, and if they believe they are troublesome and you believe they are troublesome, then
they will be indeed. But if you change your beliefs, already you cut the problem in half. Now, try it and
then tell me what you think.
["We'll have a Sumari class." said the student]
You already have a Sumari class! You have only to understand that you do.
They are rebels in their way. They do not want to do what they think they are supposed to do. Now,
you are a rebel in your own way. Identify with the rebel part of their nature and appeal to it. Give them
things to do that they do not have to do. Challenge them. Let them think they can go further in their
own way. Challenge their creativity. Appeal to their rebel nature, you old rebel you.
Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. Now you must realize that this is true or the rest of
what I am saying will indeed sound like Pollyanna nonsense.
When you think in terms, for example, of abundance and plenty, then those thoughts draw to you
abundance and plenty as a magnet does. There will be a while, while you are changing your beliefs for
example, you will find yourself in a period where you feel quite self deceptive and you are saying, "I
am surrounded by wealth and abundance," and you still look around you and you are poor. And you
think, "This is a lot of bull!"
But it took you some tune to build up your beliefs to the point of your present experience, and so, in
your terms, there may be some lag before your new beliefs draw to you abundance. But your physical
experience follows your thought. And you cannot change the experience without first changing your
Now, it does no good to believe two things at the same time. So what you do is this—you say, "I will
play around with this idea. I will admit that it might be possible that my own thoughts about money are
causing my lack of it. And so, for the hell of it, I will, several times a day, pretend that I am surrounded
by abundance, and in my mind I will imagine the things that I want. If it does not work, I have not lost a
thing, but if it works, I have gained a lot."
So you try it for several weeks, and each time that you do, the idea becomes a little bit more possible,
a little bit more real. And in the meantime, these thoughts are changing the beliefs that you nave had.
They are at least balancing them. And they begin to draw to you abundance. There is no other way to
change your physical reality but by changing your thoughts.
I just said that to you so that you would realize you had nothing to lose, but you will instead gain. I just
said that to give you a cushion, because you cannot start checking immediately; you cannot begin this
and then start checking yourself and say, "Wait a minute. I've done this five minutes now—where's the
money?" But I also tell you that if you can change your belief in a split seeond with enough strength
and intensity, and reverse yourself in mid-air so to speak, then the results could be instantaneous.
For a moment, forget your question! You are a flower—a very lovely flower. Th
e sun is bright and warm and glowing, and you are blooming. Because you are a flower, you exist in
the natural world of abundance and glory. And the sun flows upon you, and you open your petals.
Now what would happen, if, in the middle of a bright sunny afternoon, our flower began to think, and it
said, "What am I doing that the sun should shine down upon me? I am a poor, worthless little flower.
The great world goes beyond me and I do nothing. Hardly anyone notices me and I am very lonely.
How is it that this great sun should shine down upon me?"
And so the flower, following its own though), now begins to droop, and it wiggles its little stem over, 'til
it hangs its head beneath a giant oak tree, where the sun cannot fall upon it in the shade. And say our
little flower begins to reason further, and says, "If the sun fell upon me, what would I have to do to
deserve this great benediction? I musi think of things to do to rationalize my existence." And as it
thinks, it grows gloomier and darker, and huddles up against the great tree, so that the sun cannot
reach it
Now, any flower has better sense than that, and so should you! Abundance is all around you. It is the
sun! It is the rain! Now you think of those things as natural and good. But wealth, in whatever terms
you happen to translate it, is also a pan of your natural world and translation. And so for you to feel
free to accept one portion of nature and not the other is not a good belief.
You ARE! Your being IS! You are a portion of All That Is. Therefore, you have a right to abundance as
the flower has to the sun. In human terms there are many kinds of abundance, and they are all yours.
You must realize that you do not have to rationalize your existence. Because you ARE, you have a
right to the abundance of nature in whatever way it is transformed or translated for you.
And you have all to realize that your experience begins from within. And your joyful thoughts bring joy,
and your abundant thoughts bring abundance and thoughts of limitation bring limitation. And when you
are all laughing here and basking in your own being, and glowing in your Sumari Sun, then you are
enjoying abundance—your own abundance, your own sense of fun and creativity. So do not limit
the energy and joy and abundance that belongs to you. So, play with the blocks of your own belief!
Enjoy your own being and spontaneity! And be, in your being, joyful!
It is not always easy, in your terms, to work with yourself. It is much easier to blame anything else for
the "negative" parts of your experience than yourself. It is much easier to assign to other agents the
responsibility for your being. But you all try too hard. For you do not understand that within your
framework of reference there is always challenge and change. And so, bodily situations have their
meaning. The self talks to the self. You always think of illness as negative, as wrong, as bad, as evil—
in the same way that you think of light as good and dark as bad, white as pure and black as evil. Now
in my book, I mentioned that if you are black and you believe that black is evil, you are in a poor
position and you had better change your beliefs. If there is pain in you and you think that pain is evil,
you are in a bad position, and you had better change your beliefs.
In your framework of reference, as I have said to you time and time again, you form, YOU form your
reality according to your beliefs about it. You always, at each stage, accept your beliefs as reality, and
so of course they work for each of you.
If you could suspend for a moment the belief that your beliefs are reality, you could then feel your
beliefs form the reality that you know—go out from you and draw into your experience the daily,
intimate Me that you know. If you believe that you must eat certain foods, then you had better eat
them. If you believe that smoke is bad for you, you had better avoid it. If you believe that needles will
save you, then they will save you. But in each case, whether in healing or disease, in joy or in agony,
in poverty or in wealth, your beliefs form your reality.
Now, I propose for each of you an experiment. You must each do it for yourselves and it is a tricky on
Perhaps one of the trickiest, in many ways, that I can devise. You must understand, however, the
basis for the experiment that I am proposing. You must realize, first of all, that your private reality is
one of numberless probable realities. You are experiencing one of many probable realities. Now,
because of your neurological structure you can only physically perceive, in your terms, so many
events at once. Therefore, from an unlimited number of probable events you choose those which you
will perceive through your physical system, in terms of time and biological reality. It seems to you as I
speak, however, that the reality that you know is rock bed reality and that all other realities are
probable. Instead, you are perceiving and experiencing one of many probable realities for yourselves.
You must understand mat or the experiment will not work. If you insist on thinking of your present
reality as rock-bed reality, and everything else as probable, then the experiment will not work. So, first
of all, you must realize that you are experiencing one probable reality of many.
Now lake, each of you, an area of your life with which you are not pleased in your terms. Think of it.
Now, do not think of it in terms of rock-bed reality, but as one of many probable realities mat you have
brought into your experience because of your beliefs. Now, hold in your mind the idea that there are
other probable realities in that one area that you can just as easily pull into your physical experience,
and experience this biologically, practically, and intimately in your daily life. Then, for perhaps five
minutes a day and no more, imagine yourself through your beliefs pulling mat portion of probable
reality into your own. For that amount of lime you must, however, change your belief in mat area. You
must realize that your belief pulls the reality to you: and therefore only, now, for five minutes, change
the belief. And if you do this faithfully you will find your reality in that area changing.
Because if you take any longer period of time, you will hassle it. You will begin to compare what you
want with what you have. You will begin to think that you are trying to change rock-bed reality into
something else. You are hypnotized by a fix. The short time period is enough. You are not even to
think of this outside of that time.
I want to make a brief comment because it may help you. Regardless, you see, of what Al thinks
makes his eyes water (I am not going to get into your smoking problems!)—say that Al believes that
his eyes water when it is 45 degrees temperature exactly. All right. Now he believes that that is reality.
It is not reality—not rock-bed reality. It is experienced reality because he believes that when certain
conditions occur this will happen. Now, each of you, in your own way, will react to different episodes,
and so it is up to you to see how that operates in your own lives. But that is not rock-bed reality—it is
one of many probable reactions, and you, through your beliefs, have settled upon that. Now as long as
you believe that to be far more real than its opposite reaction, you are stuck with it. If you can see it as
one probable reaction that you have chosen, and if you can see an opposite reaction as equally valid,
then you can free yourself. And the same applies to each of you following that example. And now I
return the floor to you.
There are no ways out. You form your reality. You form the good part. You are responsible for your
successes, for your life, for the joy of your being, for your yawns. When I tell you that you form your
experience, you automatically leap to the conclusion that you form only your bad experiences. Give
yourselves credit! You form the joys in your daily Me also, and your happy encounters. It is you who
leap to the interpretation that because you form your reality you are responsible only for the dire
aspects of your life or for your limitations. Again, if you will look to those areas where you are pleased
and apply those beliefs of success to those areas in which you are not so pleased, you will find there
also that you form your experience and that the feeling of achievement can be spread from one area
of your living to another. You form your experience. You form your past, your present, and your future.
You are responsible for each daily moment, individually and en masse. En masse, your beliefs bring
about the world conditions that you know. Individually, they form your intimate daily life.
As I have told you before, in a manner of speaking, you are given the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs
become reality. What you believe is and becomes real in your experience. There are no other
answers. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply.
If you are young and angry at your parents, or your background, you helped form that background. If
you are older and look back upon your life and do not like what you have done with it in certain areas,
you have formed it. You cannot blame circumstance whatever your age or position. You cannot blame
your parents whatever your age or position. You cannot blame your children whatever your age or
You form your reality, and the healing energy is within you always. As a healer, you teach people to
realize the great potential of their own healing ability. If they move through frameworks of belief, then
you teach them that the frameworks of beliefs are aids, but the healing ability is within each, and it
keeps them alive.
Whatever framework you choose you will find many who believe in it. Your idea must be to lead then
beyond the framework while still allowing them, if they need to now, to take advantage of it.
Listen to me and ask yourself what is your name. If you were alone in the middle of the universe
surrounded by darkness, and someone said- some voice out of the ether—"What is your name?",
what would you answer? So I ask you,"Whal is your name, each of you?" My name is nameless. I
have no name. 1 give you the name of Seth because it is a name and you want names. You give
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  • Szablon by Sliffka (© - W Boga - wierze. Natomiast nie bardzo wierzę w to, co ludzie mówią o Bogu.)